Selasa, 20 Mei 2014

Peek-a-Blocks Discovery: Barnyard Friends Blocks

Includes six see-through Barnyard Friends Blocks.
Each Barnyard Friends Block has friendly animals inside
with special motions or sounds to fascinate baby
There's so much to discover with Peek-a-Blocks -- interesting motions, sounds, textures and more

Peek-a-Blocks Discovery: Barnyard Friends Blocks User Testimonial

"Though the product says the blocks are suitable for babies as young as 6-months, keep in mind they are talking about how safe they are! Not necessarily that the kid will like them that early! (They may and they may not.)
I bought a different set of 6 blocks for my daughter because *I* found them adorable. In the beginning, she just wasn't feeling them. Even when she was old enough to hold and examine them, I think I found them more interesting than she!
BUT... after putting the blocks out of sight for a while, then pulling them back out, she's much more in love with them! Remember that kids develop at different stages, not to mention, they are little humans and simply have different tastes and interests!
My advice: don't write these blocks off as not very good simply because your child doesn't like them. Start with one small set and (re)introduce it to your child at intervals. After the age of 12-18-months, they may be into them a whole lot more!" -By BlakSaigon
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Peek-a-Blocks Discovery: Barnyard Friends Blocks Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Laptops and Tablets Price

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